Understanding Wood Floor Warranties

Many flooring companies in Tampa offer warranties on the flooring they sell. But what does that warranty really cover? What isn’t covered? It’s hard to compare apples to apples when you’re considering having engineered wood floors or hardwood installed. Here are a few guidelines to help you understand the warranties you may see. Structural Warranty […]

Moisture, Water, and Your Floors

We’ve said it many times; water is the single biggest enemy to your wood flooring. Whether you have real hardwood floors or engineered wood floors, water can cause significant wood floor water damage. Warping and Buckling Floors If your floors buckle or warp and you can’t seem to explain why, you may have hidden water […]

What Flooring Type is Best for Each Room?

Every family lives a little differently than their neighbor. What works well in their home on their floors might not be right for yours. How can you choose the right flooring for your lifestyle and family so it will look great for years to come? Today’s blog is intended help you decide the best flooring […]