Choosing Flooring That Checks the Boxes on Your Wish List

Choosing new flooring can be a big process for some homeowners. Between choosing the material, color, style, and installation pattern, choosing your dream flooring can seem overwhelming. As a local flooring installer, we never want you to feel stressed or unsure about your decisions. Kitchen Flooring Most homeowners’ kitchen flooring wish lists include: Ability to […]
Luxury Vinyl Tile Benefits

Luxury vinyl tile, or LVT as it’s often called, is quickly becoming one of the most popular flooring materials used in homes today. This is because of the numerous luxury vinyl tile benefits that it offers over other flooring materials. Although we still love authentic hardwood flooring, there are many situations where LVT may be […]
Things to Consider About Wide Plank Flooring
When discussing floor planks, we’re no longer talking about just hardwood floors. Tile, LVT, and wood floors all come in different styles of plank flooring. The term plank flooring originally referred to any hardwood floors wider than 3”, anything less was strip flooring. Homeowners who want a contemporary look often choose wider plank floors. Fewer […]
Kitchen Flooring Types – Pros and Cons
You spend a lot of time in your kitchen, preparing food, entertaining, and cleaning up. That means you and your guests spend time on your kitchen floor and it gets a fair amount of use. In today’s blog we’re going to discuss different kitchen flooring types pros and cons to help you come to the […]
What Flooring Type is Best for Each Room?
Every family lives a little differently than their neighbor. What works well in their home on their floors might not be right for yours. How can you choose the right flooring for your lifestyle and family so it will look great for years to come? Today’s blog is intended help you decide the best flooring […]